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Hadada_하고 싶은거 다 하다
전화로 영어 공부 하다 : 22.1.17 본문
📞 22.1.17 일 전화 영어
오늘은 3개의 수업을 했다. 매번 틀리는 표현을 또 틀리고 전화영어를 몇 년을 하고 있는데 아직도 내 생각을 영어로 표현하기가 힘들다. 복습하면서 틀리는 표현들 다시 익히고 오류를 줄여나가는 방법을 찾아야겠다.
✅ I did -> Correct
I did | Correct |
I just waiting your third call. | I just wait for your third call. |
A little bit tired today. | I'm a bit tired today. |
I want a class today. | I book classes today |
I'm going to the rest. | I'm going to take a rest. |
She have to work overtime today. | She worked overtime today. |
He will be tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. | He'll come tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. |
'just'라는 표현을 너무 자주 쓴다. 전에 tutor도 말했었는데 just는 진짜 막 무언가를 했을때 사용하는 표현, 아무 때나 남발하지 말자!
📜 Today's Idiom : The elephant in the room
Meaning: An obvious problem or controversial issue that no one wants to discuss.
Sentence: We should have discussed our pending litigation, but no one wanted to talk about the elephant in the room.
👩🏫 Tutor's Comment
I'm glad that you have a positive attitude towards learning. You are responsive in the class, your willingness to improve on your English communication skill is much apparent. Moreover, your pronunciation is easy to understand, although you sometimes have slips on unfamiliar words but, nevertheless, you can always follow the corrections. Overall, you can interact well in class.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream
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