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Hadada_하고 싶은거 다 하다
[전화영어로 공부하기]2020.12.08 본문
오늘은 수다만 떨다가 진도는 못 나갔지만 나는 확실히 프리토킹이 더 재미나다.
말을 막막 잘하고 싶다. 긴 문장도 술술 말하고 싶다.
음.. 어.. 이것 좀 그만 하고 싶다.😒
받아쓰기는 하는데.. 이게 맞게 잘 받아 적었는지 알 수가 없으니... 듣고 받아 쓰기만 한다고 영어가 늘까?
내일도 프리토킹 해봐야지.
👩🏫 Tutor, 👩 Student, Summer (It's me)
T: Hi Summer! good morning
S: good morning
T: How are you feeling today?
S: I feel good. I finished work and then I walk around on my village. after that, I felt good
T: What time did you arrive at home?
S: about 8 am.
T: at least like one an hour ago.
S: I took around 40 minutes walking -> 40 minutes walk
I prepare this class with you
T: Have you had breakfast?
S: not yet
T: but it's already late
S: because doesn't have any food. so I cooked rice. after finished class, I'm gonna eatting
T: You're gonna have dinner... I mean breakfast.
S: That's right.
T: what about your day today? will it, is it your day off today or you (??) work later?
S: I work later. Today is also the night shift
T: night shift. you still have a lot of time. Ok. anyway, would you like to use your book today?
T: okay. we're gonna continue with vocabulary. That is a page on 42. Can you read first one.
S: care for
T: what do you mean by care for
S: I like something or I want to do something?
T: you wanna do something. can you give me an example using care for
S: Would you care for another drink?
T: ok, That's correct. actually care for has a different definition. Depending on how you're going to use it in a sentence.
just like when you say care for it could also mean that you are protecting someone or providing care for someone. Like your job is to care for the patient. something like that
S: ah... take care of something
T: depending on how you are going to using in a sentence. but in this one would you care for like you know your example what's related our topic so that's why it's another definition as well. ok. the second ward
S: rib
T: what does it mean?
S: rib is a bone.
T: ok. so usually it's gonna be curve bone. you know when I order pork usually I like to order the rib part. rib part or bally part
S: I like to bally part
T: you like to bally part. Do you know when it comes to I'm not really sure if you are familiar with you know our Filipino dishes? like we call it Lechon. like a roasted whole pig
S: baby pig?
T: not a baby pig. you know if we roasted baby pig, well.. It's not really delicious actually. It hasn't after taste. so usually 5-month-old or 6-month old pig it's enough for us to roast them.
S: When I saw that. when I visited Filiphin, and that time I visited a market and there had roasted whole pig
T: exactly, whenever have a celebration like if you gonna celebrate your birthday usually we're gonna have Lechon. but it depends. because whole roasted pig is so expensive. so if you can effort?? than yeah, you can have the whole Lechon during your birthday or wedding ceremony as well every time there is a celebration we can prepare Lechon
S: how many people can eat the whole Lechon?
T: a lot. a lot of people. but in that case, if you will be the one to roast the pig actually it's gonna be complete??? but once you're going to buy it usually they're gonna get some part inside the pig's body. I like the rib's part. when I eat Lechon. it's a taster. have you tried it? when you visited in Filiphin? You have never.
S: I'm not sure.
T: You miss have half of life. I want to you try that next time you're gonna visit the Filliphin.
S: yes, I'll try it
T: and It's tasted good if the Lechon is still hot. If it's cold already the skin is no longer crispy
S: how do you eat Lechon? just only eat Lechon?
T: no, Lechon with rice or sometime Lechon with puso. are you familiar puso? P.U.S.O.
you can search for Puso rice. and you can see leave. it is on woven leave. we call that one Puso or we call it haing rice.
S: with Lechon
T: yes, that's gonna be delicious. especially when we go to the beach if we want to bring the whole roasted Lechon at the beach. we're gonna prepare to bring Puso or hanging rice as well. There is rice inside like.. umm I don't know how to wave this one. but my mother knows how to wave this leave. this is you know coconut leave.
S: how taste? is it sweet?
T: It tastes.. no not sweet. but it tastes different when you cook rice in the rice cooker. it's a little bit different, but it tastes good actually.
S: looks good.
T: yes look good. all of them woven poaches and they're gonna it will be put inside and then cook to by boiling. just like when you cook rice, you're gonna boil it, right? It only different that it will be pore??? pork?? inside this woven leave
S: I feel really hungry
T: Yeah, Me too. because I haven't eaten my breakfast yet. well not all people like Puso, but rest that sure it taste good actually. but depending on the type of rice that?? they're going to use. because you know there are cheaper rice, there are also expensive rice. depend on the rice there are going to pore inside the woven leave
S: I really want to try it with Lechon
T: you can try it. anyway sorry we can not continue our time is over
S: already?
T: yes, already. I'm hungry now so we can after our class. Thank you Summer. see you next time
definition 정의, 의미
Notwithstanding 1. ... 에도 불구하고 2. 그러하긴 하지만, 그래도 (=however, nevertheless)
[Tutor's Comment]
LSE Business 1 Page 24: Day 11 Vocabulary Hi Summer, Good morning!~ Thank you for the time today. Your response to most of the questions asked was good. Notwithstanding the grammar lapses, which are just manageable but your experiences relate well to the topic today. You were able to share a lot. It’s really interesting if we got lots of things to share. Just keep on learning more English words for better rapport. Keep up!~ |
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