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23/08/17 입트영,귀트영 Office Dinners & The Pros and Cons of Attending Company Dinner 본문

영어공부 하다

23/08/17 입트영,귀트영 Office Dinners & The Pros and Cons of Attending Company Dinner

하다다_ 2023. 8. 18. 00:05

8월 17일 입이 트이는 영어 Office Dinners

✔️ 수업 전 dictation

✔️ 오늘 표현들
crave a drink = have craving for a drink

over ~하는 동안, ~하면서  -> over drink, over dinner, over lunch

회식 : company dinner, office dinner, staff dinner, team dinner

I do think 강조. 의견을 표현하기 전에 I do think이라고 쓰면 말하려는 내용을 강조하는 역할


💥 There are days when I crave a drink 

✔️ Practice

✔️ 낭독


8월 16일 귀가  트이는 영어 The Pros and Cons of Attending Company Dinner

✔️ Fill in The Blank

 commonplace = common

rapport [ræˈpɔː(r)] 친분

peer pressure 동료집단으로 부터 받는 사회적 압밥

establish boundary = daw a line



💥 They are not just about food and drink, but also a way to let yourself go a bit and interact with colleagues outside the office. 

💥 It's not always sunshine and rainbows


✔️ 낭독




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