영어공부 하다

[전화영어로 공부하기]2020.12.09

하다다_ 2020. 12. 13. 18:40

오늘도 교재 대신 이야기를 나눴다. 다시 듣는데 정말 처참하구나...

말할 때 문법이 엉망이다. 말할 때는 전혀 생각도 안 하고 말을 하는 거다 아직도. 자연스럽게 아직도 나오지 않는 거지. 인칭에 맞는 동사들이... 어쩜 이렇지...

신경 쓰면서 좀 해야지 큰일이다. 🤦‍♀️




👩‍🏫 Tutor,  👩 Student, Summer (It's me)


T: Hello. it's in you just wake up ha?

S: oh.. no. I feel tired today.

T: why are you tired today?

S: It was so terrible last night. I worked at the night shift. some of my patients made some problems at night. especially two of my patients made trouble. They have the main disease and they also have dementia. night dementia symptom is more severe than day time. They couldn't control themselves. one of my patients, he couldn't sleep, every minute he just talking and say something. so other patient(another patient) couldn't sleep well. another patients had complained "he make(makes) noise, we couldn't sleep well!!". and He also have(has) some injection fluid, but he removed all of the catheter.

T: oh really?? I think that patient is experiencing sundowning

S: sundowning???

T: usually it will occur late afternoon or into the night. yes like a person all the patient will have confusion something like that you know like his behavior will change and not only confusion but anxiety as well (??) whatever (????) about sundowning.

S: yes. and then I call the doctor "He is not able to go to sleep, so I think he needs some drug". the doctor ordered one of the drugs. He took the medicine but he didn't any effect. -> It doesn't have any effect.

T: so what did you do?

S: I just take a wheelchair. just look around the hospital.

T: are you assisting him?

S: He had a protector his daughter. she doesn't care of for him. When he has some problem, she just came to the station and "help me" something like that. so every time she calls me, and I every time go to the his room and I help her .. I couldn't take a break

T: was it your first time experiencing a patient having a sundowning? 

S: no. I already have a lot of experience, but usually, when they got some medicine, they have an effect after a few minutes or few hours fall asleep. but it this case doesn't have any effect (T: you mean the medicine has no effect) and also his daughter doesn't cannot control him. everything is not good that time.

T: how long did you take care of him? I was experiencing sundowning last night

S: I started work at about 10 pm yesterday. from 10 PM to this morning

T: so It's like only focusing are you only assisting one patient?

S: yes.. I have 17 patients. I take care of all of the patients but I spend a lot of time just one patient. so I'm very tired and busy. and not only one person. another patients also like that. other room also has another patient. she also has dementia. She also tried to remove the catheter too. so I warning to her and her son. son also doesn't care 

T: so in your case wear you able to control him or you needed help other nurses?

S: another other nurses has too. but another nurse also have has other patients.

T: you know? you have a lot of patients

S: yes I see.

T: usaually you have 17 patients a day? or more than that?

S: maximum number is 17

T: I know how you feel. That's why you cannot take a break and sometimes you cannot have your dinner. or you cannot (??) time to get something to eat

S: and have stress

T: but don't let you know affect you. don't be stressed out. ok anyway, I would love to talk to you but I'm sorry our time is over. you will be able to take a rest today. you take care and see you tomorrow



sundowning --> refers to a state of confusion occurring in the late afternoon and spanning into the night.


[Tutor's Comment]

LSE Business 1
Topic: Patients Who Have Dementia

Hello Summer,

Good morning!~
Thank you for taking the call despite the fact that you′re tired. I highly appreciate it. I hope that you′ll be able to take a good rest today. I′ll see you tomorrow. Have a great day!~