[전화영어로 공부하기]2020.12.07
2020.12.07 10분 전화 영어
오늘은 그냥 이야기만 나눴다. 전화영어를 하다 보면 10분 수업은 매번 시간이 부족하다. 인사하고 간단한 이야기 나누고 그러다 보면 시간이 다 지나가버리거나 책을 할 때도 시간 때문에 중간에 끊고 다음 시간에 해야 한다. 정말 제대로 집중하지 않으면 10분이 휘리릭하고 날아가버린다. 20분 수업할 땐 그나마 괜찮은데 말이다. 시간을 좀 조정해서 20분 수업을 많이 늘려봐야겠다.
👩🏫 Tutor, 👩 Student, Summer (It's me)
T: Your voice is so far a while ago
S: Yes, something have an earphone problem again. I usually using the earphone.
-> something has an earphone problem again. I usually use earphones.
I think it's not connected with earphone
T: what about this time? are using the earphone now? or just holding your phone?
S: I use the earphone.
T:Ok, better than it's working now. well, how was your the weekend by the way?
wear you working?
S: no I didn't work. the whole weekend I just take a rest ->I just took a rest the whole weekend
T: wow. It's amazing. (??)using you wear able to have your day off? ah?
S: right, satuday and sunday I just stayed at home. ->I just stayed home last Saturday and Sunday.
reading a book, watching movie or just walk aroud the my town.
T: you wear able to do that.
S: I didn't somthing special things -> I didn't do something special things.
T: You didn't do special things. and nobody was inviting you to go out. like friends?
S: yes, right
T: I heard ?? case of Korea?? getting higher again? You have like more than 600 cases already. and your level was now on 2.5. What do you mean by 2.5? Like dose it mean some stores will be close? or what?
S: yes, stores is close and We couldn′t gathering -> We are not allowed to gather together.
like we can't go to public places and all of the store close -> all store close
T: what store? particularly what store? like restaurant?
S: u... like... we couldn't gathering under 50 people
T: Ah.. minimum number of people. You mean a maximum of 50 people an allow but more than 50 is not allowed
S: Like a health club or gym or sing room(karaoke)
T: only selected establishment
S: yes, and student couldn't go to school
T: ah ok, they're gonna have online classes again
S: yes, 30% of students can go to the school
T: Ok not all
S: yes, not all
T: because they need to absolve social distancing. they should not getter together a one room
S: you take care of yourself always
T: by the way which city in Korea is the epicenter?? of coronavirus in Seoul?
S: Yes, still Seoul and the city is very different 2.5 level. another city is 2, and in my town is 1.5
T: So depending on the city. ?? if have the city had a lot of cases there will be attendance that their level would be on 2.5
S: in Jeju island 1.5 level. so all of the people coming to the Jeju island.
T: is it safe? maybe a lot of the people from Seoul will be going to??
S: Yes, It's not safe. so I just stay at home I don't go out and public places and every day some of the visitors get covidvirus. From Seoul or other cities
T: oh my goodness. I was surprised because you only have a few cases. I was shocked. because normally you had a few cases in Korea, right. but it's getting higher from 100 plus it jumps to 300 plus and 500 plus and than now it's more than 600
S: I think these days people doesn't don't care about the covid virus. Just the government worried about that
T: Do you think are not people not worried?
S: yes, I think. because if they really worried about the covid virus, they just stay at home or not go to someplace, but they always go to someplace and they make the under meeting or hiding gettering group
T: oh I see. that is not good. I think it would be better if the government should be very strict about the rules, right
ever will be cut gettering in a public place it will be better if they get will be penalize or plenty. they're gonna pay some amount of money. they will afraid doing next time.
S: I think so, but the government say it"doesn't do that" something like that
T: other people are not flowing the rule. There is no possible consequence, right. It's just a recommendation from the government. anyway, I loved to talk to Summer, but I'm sorry our time is over. We're gonna use the book next time. Thank you so much and you take care and be safe always.
I usually using the earphone. --> I usually use an airphone. Whole weekend I just take a rest. --> I just took a rest the whole weekend. Saturday and Sunday, I just stay at home. --> I just stayed home last Saturday and Sunday. We couldn′t gathering. --> We are not allowed to gather together. |
You are able to express and explain your thought but it would be nice if you learn more words to increase your vocabulary bank. Try to work on some synonyms and antonyms of English words with their corresponding usage. |
나의 최약체.. 단어. 단어를 어떻게 늘리면 좋을지 매번 고민이다. 전화 영어를 하면서도 늘 보면 쓰는 단어만 맨날 쓰고 더 어휘가 늘지가 않는다. 내가 공부를 안 해서 그렇지 뭐.
오늘 받아쓰기하면서 몰랐던 단어들.
establishment 기관, 시설|||(사회) 기득권층, 지배층|||설립, 수립, 확립
absolve 1.(~에 대해) 무죄임을 선언하다 2. (죄를) 용서하다
epicenter 1. 진원지 (震源地), 진앙(震央), 중심지, 중심점, 핵심
She did not recently visit the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the coronavirus.
그녀는 코로나바이러스의 중심지인 화북지방의 우한을 최근에 방문한 적이 없다.
penalize 벌을 주다
The teacher has a policy penalizing heavily for that.
그 선생님은 그것에 대하여 심한 처벌을 하는 정책을 가지고 있다.
[Tutor's Comment]
LSE Business 1
Topic: New Coronavirus Cases
Hello Summer,
Happy Monday!~
It’s Monday once again which means it’s the start of another week of work. I hope that you’ve been well and is off to a good start! It’s good that you were able to take a rest last weekend. Thanks for the time and be safe always!~