[2020.12.1]전화영어 리뷰하기
주 5일, 10분씩 전화영어 시작한지 딱 2년째
근데 하나도 늘지 않은 이 느낌. 너무 10분 동안 시간 때우기만 한 느낌이 들어서 전화 영어 복습을 해야겠다.
그리고 쓸데없는거 하려고 하지 말고 지금 하고 있는 것들이라도 잘하자
영어를 늘려야겠다. 영어가 하나도 안는다. 내가 너무 시간을 허투루 쓰면서 지내버렸다.
이 정도 했으면 영어가 아주 그냥 막 프리 토킹이 가능하고 막 그럴 텐데 아직 그렇지 못해서 말이야.
주 5일 10분 전화 영어 내년 이맘땐 지금이랑 다른 내가 되길 바라면서 복습&리뷰해봐야겠다.
10분 전화영어.
👩🏫 Tutor, 👩 Student, Summer (It's me)
이날은 내가 전화를 받았는데 에어 팟이 갑자기 연결이 안 됐다. 나는 연결이 안돼서 당황해하고 있었고, tutor는 무슨 일인지 모르는 상황에서 전화 영어 시작/.
T: Hello Summer
Is everything ok? Are you tired? I'm sorry? I can hear you
Because your reaction you know? was strange. like um....
so I thought I disturb you. so are you OK?
S: yes, I'm Ok.
T: I can hear you, I mean I can hear you, there is no problem
I was wondering with the reaction when you answer my call like when I say "hello" underneath said "u.. um..."
so I thought you busy
S: I'm free
T: What are you using?
S: I take an earphone.
T: You're taking your earphone. You using taking
S: I using my earphone. This earphone had some problem.
T: oh really? are you still using your an earphone?
S: I couldn't use the earphone. I just..
so you'er not using it now. Are you just holding your phone?
S: yes, right
T: OK I see. so is it ok?
S: yes, I'm ok
T: Ok, anyway It's only for 10 minutes. you can only you know hold your phone for 10 minutes
S: yes but....
T: By the way how was your weekend?
S: I work at the weekend(T: on the weekend) and from 3-4 days ago the weather was not good every day. very cloudy and very cold but from today It's a very clean sky(T: clear sky) and I saw the sunrise today
T: It's gonna be getting better. Today's weather is ok but you know some of my students a while ago told me it's really cold today.
S: yes,, but I think today is not cold. yester day more cold than today(T: yesterday was colder...)
T: It may be depend on the place, depend on the city.
S: I think so
T: What's the temperature today?
S: Normally in the Jeju island doesn't under minus degrees(T: below the zero?)
T: The temperature does not go down below zero
S: yes
T: That's really cool hu? yes, but anyway I know It's getting cold now in Korea so you should always take care of your health right? cold weather sometimes.. I mean maybe one of the causes of cold. so you take care of yourself.
are you home now? Do you have a book with you? OK. That's great. We're gonna continue day 11. page 24.
today's topic is ordering dinner. so we have hear, the host, Sam Jones. (???) two characters have this conversation.
you choose which character would you like to read first?
S: host.
T: OK let's start!
빨간 줄이 엄청 많네.. 제대로 듣지 못하고 받아 적은 것들도 있고, 안 들리는 것도 있고
또 전화할 때는 대충 듣고 얼버무리면서 대화했는데, 오디오로 듣기만 하니까 너무 잘 들린다. 내가 참 많이 버벅 거리는 구나. 대화할 때 정말 답답하겠단 생각이 들었다. 또박또박 말해봐야겠다. 음.. 어.. 이런 거 사용하지 말고 말이다.
Sam Jones and Mr.Kim go to O'Malley's restaurant for having dinner. Host guide to table and Waiter get to order.
Sam and Mr.Kim choose their menu and the waiter recommends an appetizer for them. Also, they choose a bottle of wine.
[explain in English]
--> a food or drink that stimulates the appetite and is usually served before a meal
--> a small portion of a food or drink served before or at the beginning of a meal to stimulate the desire to eat
I using the my earphone. --> I′m using my earphone. This earphone have a some problem. --> This earphone has a problem. I couldn′t use the my earphone. --> I couldn′t use my earphone. I don′t familiar red wine. --> I′m not familiar with red wine. |
[Tutor's Comment]
LSE Business 1 Page 24: Day 11 Ordering Dinner Hello Summer, Good morning!~ Thank you for the time today. You were good at answering the given questions. In fact, you have proven your good comprehension with regards to the topic. You can also give details to some of the follow-up questions given. However, you are still encouraged to learn more vocabulary words for better rapport. Keep up!~ |
나는 항상 vocabulary가 문제다. 늘 쓰는 단어들만 사용하고, 매번 코멘트마다 빠지지 않고 등장하는 문제점.