영어공부 하다

전화로 영어 공부 하다 : 230622

하다다_ 2023. 6. 26. 14:57

📞 23.6.22 전화 영어


너무 기본적인 대화마저 틀리고 있는 상황에 나의 tutor가 할 말이 있다고 기본적인 것부터 가르치기 시작했다.

그동안 랭카데미, 파고다 영어도 계속해왔는데 영어는 왜 이렇게도 늘지 않는지 모르겠다.

남편이 파고다 전화 영어 해보겠다고 해서 내가 하는 전화 영어는 남편에게 양도했고, 그리고 며칠 뒤 독일인 환자가 입원을 했는데 간단한 대화는 됐지만 나의 표현력이 너무 형편이 없었다... 다시 안 되겠다 싶어 전화 영어를 다시 신청했다.

이번에는 브랜트 전화영어로 시작했다.

그리고 주제는 Free talking

전에도 전화영어 하면서 프리토킹을 해봤었는데 별로 도움이 되지 않아서 이번에도 그러지 않을까 싶었다. 그래서 교재롤 할까 했는데 선생님이 책 없이 프리 토킹으로 해보자 해서 시작하게 된 수업. 이번엔 정말 많은 표현을 하고 많이 배우면서 내 영어가 잘 늘었으면 좋겠다.



👩‍🏫 Teacher : Kristine

👩 Student : Summer

✏️ Today's Lesson : Free taling


T : But strat your lesson now. OK? That' wait. I need to tell you something.
     If you anser the call you will say "yes, this is Summer"
S: Yes, This is Summer.
T: hello
S: hello, This is Summer.
T: correct. Perfect. Yes!! Alright, OK now I'm going to teach you more about intruduceing your self. OK?
     alright, Summer Where are you woking at?
S: I'm working at hospital.
T: What do you do in the hospital?
S : I'm a nurse.
T: and you been working in the hospital for how many year?
S:  I've been worked 10 years.
T: 10 year. I've been working as a nurse for 10 years. OK. You can say that.
     and What do you usually do asite form working as nurse?
S: I usually take care of patiants.
T: different kinds of patiants? or all only older patiant?
S : all of the patiant. how can I say.. I work at the rehabilitation.
T:  rehanilitation?
     I'm a nurse in rehanilitaion and recovery unit. Or unit department.
     You know what my student next you is doctor.
    so he is used to be my last student but I think sometime there one sutudent who comes in th class.
    He is actuaaly doctor. He if from seoul, and then he was a sign in 강원도. He was sign (.. ) he practcing English because he will go to State. what baby is in there?
S : yes, cause I'm brestfeeding now.
T : wow! That is I'm hearing  cu~ that happening.  I love baby~
     I think he can hear me because he was... ring
    OK. I'm a nuser in rehabilitation and recovery unit. or department OK?
     and What about your hoby? tell me more your hoby.
S :  my hoby is reading a book and watching Netfrix.
T : OK. wait for me. During my free time I prefer reading a book and watching Netflix.
      yes, ok. What is your favorite sports?
S : my favorite sports is ballyball
T : I also like playing vallyball
     What is your passion? something that you do that you really me you happy?
S :  learning something new I feel more passion.
T :  ok you can say learning something new makes me happy.
       or you can say.. wait a moment.. new idea.
       learning new idea makes me happy. because if you will say learning something new, it doesn't sound formal.
but if you was say learning new idea makes me happy it sound formal, very formal.
so if some will one say what is usually your passion? you will say I think my passion is taking care of the patiant.
I Iove taking care of the patiant. and also I like very new idea it makes me happy.
I will call you again tommorw. bye~


[Today's Vocabulary/Expressions]

1. During my free time I prefer reading a book and watching Netflix.

2. I also like playing volleyball

3. Learning new ideas makes me happy.

[Phrase Corrections]

1. I've been working as nurse for 10 years.

2. I'm a nurse in the rehabilitation and recovery unit/ department

[Today's Quote]

“Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.”
—Diane McLaren